This is the main photo that I took: I have added a magnified enlargement for ease of viewing; click to enlarge
Inside Chanctonbury Ring, West Sussex UK -
A classic case of pareidolia? (a happy accident?) or did I really capture a 'watcher'?
Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon involving a stimulus wherein the mind perceives a familiar pattern of something where none actually exists... but I am not convinced that everything strange, (like the photo above), can be so neatly explained away; maybe some happy accidents, (or so-called 'coincidences'), shouldn't be ignored.
On June 07, 2016 I climbed to the crest of Chanctonbury Hill, South Downs, Sussex in order to take some atmospheric photographs of the countryside.
A quarter way into my climb and the weather conditions changed; dark clouds gathered and the heavens opened; eventually, as I neared the hill's 794 ft summit, the rain eased and I began taking picture after picture, even in and around the ancient ring of trees atop Chanctonbury Hill, a mystical site criss-crossed with Ley Lines, and which has been used variously over the centuries for occult/religious purposes and as a hill fort.
Later, upon checking through my captures I noticed something very odd on just one shot; what, (to my eyes anyway), has the appearance of a figure in robes lurking in the background - something I hadn't seen at the time; a 'Watcher' perhaps?
Is this 'figure' merely an illusion caused by an old, broken, gnarled and twisted tree trunk? - or is there something more at work here?
For me, it is simply too much of a coincidence how this particular piece of tree stands out proud, in stark contrast to all of the others there - so eye-catching, and yet what are the odds, that when 100 other visitors to Chanctonbury Ring later pass by this spot, that this piece of tree will not have the same appearance and would hardly be noticed?
Everything happens for a reason and maybe this photo was just meant to be; the overcast lighting, shadows, gloomy conditions, just the right angle etc, etc; and with myself being a subscriber to superstition, I consider it quite possible that this scenario was somehow engineered... as a sign to confirm that I am indeed on the right track with what I believe in and my various avenues of research.

Here is the original image without the magnified insert
Another photo that I took of the mystical Chanctonbury Ring; click image to enlarge
Photo Copyright: Kenneth Parsons
to a member of northstandchat.com - more sinister were the four
mysterious deaths that occurred in the vicinity of the wood over a
10-year period. "In only one instance was the cause of death
established as murder, the coroner having been forced to return open
verdicts on the other three due to the advanced state of decomposition
of the bodies.
The first such case was that of Police Constable Peter Goldsmith in
1972. Goldsmith, 46, was a former Royal Marine Commando and an
experienced rambler who was in excellent physical condition. He was
last seen in June that year, walking across the Downs and carrying a
large holdall. His body was found six months later, hidden in a patch
of thick bramble.
In August 1975, pensioner Leon Foster was found in the woods, by a
couple searching for a lost horse, three weeks after his wife had
reported him missing. And then the Reverend Harry Neil Snelling – the
retired vicar of Clapham Parish – disappeared on All Hallow’s Eve in
1978 while returning home across the Downs from a dental appointment in
Goring; his body was eventually found three years later by a Canadian
tourist, who only informed the police of his discovery after he had
left the country.
The murdered woman was Miss Jillian Matthews – a 37-year-old divorcee
and a homeless schizophrenic, who went missing in September 1981. Her
body was discovered six weeks later in a state of partial undress,
having been raped and strangled. No one was ever charged with her
It wasn’t until 1987, however, that anyone offered an explanation that
attempted to tie these disparate events together. In their book The
Demonic Connection, Toyne Newton, Charles Walker and Alan Brown alleged
that the woods were being used for rituals by a Satanic cult calling
itself the ‘Friends of Hecate’. Hecate is the triple-headed Goddess of
the Greek underworld, and a central figure in modern Wicca." Source: