Joanne Mullins
'Hello my name is Joanne - on August 05, 2015 I had the most
spectacular sighting of my life when not one, but TWO discs floated
past my window where I live in the London Borough of Bexley!
I have never seen anything like them. They were silvery blue and had
lots of lights or appendages on them. They seemed to be just floating
along but in a controlled way. I am absolutely flabbergasted!!' 'And
there was I thinking it was just a Police helicopter! This was
flying around for about 15 minutes and I was getting quite annoyed with
the noise, so I looked out of my bedroom window and saw the 2 craft
flying past. They are appearing now without me even asking, although I
do also see things in the sky unexpectedly.
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I have to say that when I first saw the 2 craft, they
were very very close by and if I had
managed to film them from the beginning then the detail would have been phenomenal. I was drooling at
the mouth and just couldn't move at first. They were silver/blue.
Rounded discs. Majestic as they flew by. An honour and a privilege to
witness them. MORE COMING!
Update: 10/08/2015: The same UFOs appeared again
yesterday!!! They were high up in the sky and there was another one
with them which was a bit harder to see!
When it comes to abduction I have absolutely no memory of anything, but I can wake up with some horrible marks on my body; for instance I noticed this burn-type mark had suddenly appeared just 2 days ago, (26/06/2016) on my right hip - and I am experiencing sharp, shooting pains in the area of the 'burn', it is slightly sore too; also my trouser belt was missing!!!
Back in 2012 I just woke up to find these strange marks on me.
I lived in a flat at the time which was on a very busy main road, so how could whoever/whatever did this to me, have gotten into my place without being seen?
Please click
images to enlarge
The wounds on my leg appear to have puncture/injection marks in the middle of them: The red mark near my left shoulder really, really hurt - it was a terrible pain, the like of which I have never felt before; the only other time that I felt pain which came anywhere near to this was when I had a scan of my back and I had to go through one of those body scanners at a hospital... and the next day I was hurting all over; I felt like I had been irradiated. I don't know why I reacted so badly to it, and was told that this was highly unusual.
Latest 10/01/2016:
"I met up with my friend and we went to Blackheath Common to do some sky watching; saw a lot of helicopters and in particular, a black one kept appearing which eventually hovered right over her car!!!
We did the usual mental telepathic contact to see if any craft would appear.
We made a last stop at Oxleas Woods which is an Ancient Woodland near me, beautiful place, and as we were sitting there we saw what we thought at first was a balloon, but it seemed to be moving in a controlled manner.
"Then, at around 4.15-4.30 we were both watching a beautiful sunset; I turned to scan the sky to the total opposite direction when immediately I saw a huge orange sun-like sphere float straight into a cloud mass, it was huge.
How come there are two suns in North and South? we thought."
Sorry no footage, but I may venture up there on my own, and see if I
can film anything.
Really cold at the moment so its not very comfortable to be sitting out for hours but will try!!"
End of report.
Historical UFO encounters on record for this area:
17 July 1955 at noon: on King Harold's Way in Bexleyheath in the
London Borough of Bexley a 30-foot-wide saucer-shaped object was seen
to hover a few feet above a street in broad daylight by Margaret
Fry[13] and her doctor on a very hot cloudless day. Car engines nearby
to the object stalled. It was seen by around thirty people and made a
humming noise and landed at the junction of Ashbourne Road and
Whitfield Road. It hovered over Bedonwell Primary School (now Bedonwell
Junior School) for around one minute. It finally shot off into the sky.
Another UFO had landed a few streets away at the same time. A similar
object had been seen in Bexleyheath in 1952.