'Ghost Girl' Captured in Chilling Group Photo at Old Asylum Sparks Mystery

© Provided by Trinity Mirror Plc Phillip Barron has taken
hundreds of photos over the years
(Photo: ©Haunted Happening/Phillip
A ghost hunter has claimed he has captured a chilling picture of a
haunting figure at an old asylum.
Phillip Barron has taken hundreds of photos over the years, but has
never seen one he hasn't been able to explain.
The 45-year-old told how the ‘ghost-girl of Newsham Park’ has caused a
stir on Facebook as none of the other people in the image recognise the
He said: “We always begin our ghost hunts with a picture of the group,
I have done this many times and this is exactly what I did. I took the
picture on my phone and just put it in my pocket, I didn’t even look at
“It wasn’t until the next morning, after it had been posted to Facebook
with other pictures from the night, that I saw it.”
Above: Original case image with enlargement inset: No one
recognised the mystery figure
© Provided by Trinity Mirror Plc(Photo: Haunted
Happening/ Phillip Barron
Phillip, who hosts events for Haunted Happenings , says he has been
ghost hunting for around 12 years and finding the truth is a key part
of the process, reports the Liverpool Echo.
He said: “I have never come across anything like this before, of course
we tried to debunk this straight away.
“We asked everyone who was there if they remember this person, but they
The team Phillip works with has no idea who the ghoulish shadow could
be despite it being the site of a sanatorium from the 1800s and a
Newsham Park Hospital is often considered one of Liverpool's most
haunted buildings and since its closure in 1992 the building has fallen
into a state of disrepair.
First built in 1869 the grade II listed structure was put on the
market in 2007 for £1.5m after plans to turn it into flats were met
with resistance from local regeneration campaigners.
Inside, it is littered with broken beds, commodes and trolleys from its
time spent as a hospital.
On the top floor, an attic is lined with cupboards - which were used as
‘naughty’ cupboards to lock misbehaving children inside.
The winding staircases come with ‘anti-suicide’ grills and lead to
seemingly endless treatment rooms and laundry rooms.
Phillip has been ghost hunting at Newsham around 20 times, he added: “I
have seen shadows, and people have had strange feelings, but nothing
like this.
“Newsham is a fascinating building and when we tour, we guide the
guests, but they all experience different things.”