Above: Original case photo
marked; please click for unmarked image
This UFO was spotted flying over Manchester, Lancs, UK - 05/08/1991 at 4:34 pm by an eyewitness; they state that the craft was flying fast and that it was black and triangular shaped.
Witness statement: 'The shape flew across the sky, faster than an airplane does but it was quite far away, I was just able to grab my phone for a picture as the triangle went behind a cloud.
I was looking out of my window in my house when I saw the disk-like object flying through the sky, it was obviously not a plane and moved faster than one, but still took a while to move across the sky because of its distance.
After much thought the only conclusion I can come to is that it was a UFO, we have no testing grounds near by and even planes are not that common.
I caught a snap of it just before it went.'
Above: Blow up of object revealing possible motion blur and/or
camera shake
Sources: MUFON and ufosightingsblog.com