Above: GIF animation made from
sequential shots taken of this unidentified object; click to enlarge
01/09/2017 -
White, Glowing USO-Type Unknown Sphere Flying Over The Sea at Shaldon,
Devon, UK
+ Another Capture (Earlier Same Day) At Newton Abbot of Similar
[Please scroll down this page
completely for full story and photos]
Two encounters on the same day,
featured here in reverse order
Encounter 2
Witness statement:
"I was at Shaldon and I was
looking out to sea USO Spotting when I noticed a white glowing Ball of
light emerge from the sea. I quickly started taking photographs of the
Ball of light with my Nikon P900 Camera and watched as it moved along
just above the water.
The Ball of light then descended back into the sea water and promptly disappeared from sight.
This happened really fast but luckily I managed to capture the
glowing unidentified submerged object in three of the photographs that
I had taken. I have seen a lot of strange activity in this area lately.
I have seen UFOs , USOs ,orbs and ghosts and feel that this area is
worthy of further investigation. It really is quite fascinating.
Encounter 1 (earlier, same
Earlier that same day... I had been sky watching at Newton Abbot,
Devon, when I spotted an unusual round white light flying around in the sky that just seemed to
appear out of nowhere.
Looking through the viewfinder of my Nikon P900 camera (70X optical
zoom), I could clearly see that this thing was no plane, drone, balloon
or bird: 'Lightform UFO' would be a good title to describe this type of
I studied the object carefully as it moved anticlockwise in a semi
circle, seemingly increasing in brightness as it flew, before promptly disappearing.
01-09-17 Newton Abbot - aerial lightform: GIF animation created from 7 photos taken of the phenomenon
Luckily I had been taking photographs of the lightform before this phenomenon suddenly vanished. I took seven shots in
total and the photographs clearly show it's peculiar movement.
Example shot of captured aerial light
at Newton Abbot, marked/contrast adjusted (click for unmarked orig)
As you can see from the first part of this report, the bizarre thing
is that later on in the day I captured what seems to be a very similar object emerging from
the sea at Shaldon!
In fact, it could easily be one and the same!
The strange white aerial light - shot
highly enlarged
Can it really be that this lightform followed me some 7 miles from Newton Abbot
to Shaldon, Devon?