Image cropped for size + zoom inset (click enlarge)
Distant UFO-Type Object
Captured Nr. Stonehenge, Salisbury, Wilts UK
Witness statement: "I recently visited Stonehenge, I was taking numerous photos of the site and it was only when reviewing them later I noticed on one of them taken at 18.41pm, what looks like a hovering object above the site. I have other photos from within a minute or so before, and after this shot, that do not show the same object in any of the frame.
I did not hear any noise, or notice
anything arrive, or leave whilst I was taking the pictures.
The object can be seen to the right of the picture.
I have attached also a zoomed-in picture." End
BEAMS verdict: So, yet another accidental capture of an unknown flying object;
this doesn't look like an insect, bird or digital artifact to us; could
be a drone we suppose... yet there are several factors which make us
inclined to think otherwise.
More likely, is that this is something beyond the normal range of visible light.