Above: Artist impression of
observed figure
April 7, 1977: Silver Egg-Shaped UFO and 8 Foot
Tall Humanoid Figure -
Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales,
AM. Mr. Cyril John, age 64, a former local political leader, was up
early for an early start to London when he noticed a light shining in
his bedroom _ Looking out he observed two objects. The first was a
silvery-gray egg-shaped object with a bright orange-red light on top of
it. It was about four feet across and was rocking gently in the air
about 60 meters away. The second was a seven to eight foot tall
humanoid figure, who floated in the air with arms out and legs bent
back, like a "free fall parachutist." There was
only about 35 feet between the man and the observer. No features could
be seen on the figure's face, and it wore a uniformly silver-gray
"boiler suit."
It remained motionless in the air for more than 25 minutes. Then both the being and the ovoid object began slowly moving off, gradually disappearing from view in the distance. (Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1977-17 [A1719], citing Randall Jones Pugh, British UFO Research Association).
Please compare with this case:
April 20, 1977; Herbrandston, Pembrokeshire,
Marston, age 11, was looking for bird's nests in a hedge when "a red
glow appeared in the sky 50 yards away." A few moments later a figure
appeared and drifted through a closed gate at the other end of the
field. It was dressed in a silver suit, like a
diver, with a large helmet and a square, featureless face.
It approached Mark rapidly, who turned and fled for home, screaming.
(Source: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid
Reports, case 1977, citing Randall Jones Pugh for BUFORA).
April 19, 1977; Little Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales.
2:00 AM. The radio of hotel owner Rosa Gremville suddenly went dead. Moments later she heard a loud humming noise outside and looking out she was dazzled by a "huge moon lighting up the area, moving about like a seesaw." It descended and landed in a field 100 yards behind the hotel. "It was round, with flames coming from the top of a dome. There was a light on it, like a pulsating star." Two creatures 8 or 9-feet tall emerged from the dome through the flames. They wore cream or silvery colored jumpsuits. She could see no facial features nor any hair on these creatures, even though see tried to discern what they looked like through a pair of binoculars. They looked as though they had hands, but she saw no fingers. "I though their feet were webbed." The figures walked around near the object for about 15 minutes. Mrs. Gremville wanted to scream, but she had lost her voice. She went in search of another witness and when they returned the UFO and humanoid figures had gone. Burn marks were found on the ground at the site the next day. (Sources: David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1977-18; Randall Jones Pugh, FSR, August 1977, p. 6 for BUFORA).
Image: Courtesy of "The Unexplained"