Last month in Stratford-Upon-Avon in the UK, the town came to
a halt when 5 mysterious
lights hovered overhead for 30 minutes. They were
later dismissed as mere
lanterns launched by a local rugby
club but at least one UFO investigator thinks
that's a
load of, junk.

Left: Triangular lights and a 4th to the
right, as seen in Surrey on July 22. Right: Close up of
lights. (Photo and
Footage by Kenneth Parsons.)
Just days earlier,
Kenneth Parsons, founder of The British Earth & Aerial
Mysteries Society
witnessed a similar sighting in
Farnborough, Hampshire, UK. According to Ken,
they weren't
lanterns. Nor were they what people have come to believe UFOs are.
For this interview, put
aside your notions of flying
saucers and black
triangles. Ken believes these lights are
much more than that. In fact this UFO
expert says, we are
not alone.