Silvery Sphere - accidentally photographed at
approx 17.20 hrs, South Bay, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, UK -
by BEAMS assistant Stephen Gamble.
[Please scroll completely down page for statement and more photos]
Above: Original image
Stephen" End
Above: Enlargement of sphere in image
Maximum enlargement of sphere in image - darkened and cropped for ease of study
BEAMS comments:
Stephen has told us here at BEAMS that he didn't see anything strange at the time
he took this photo.
He said "maybe we just have a lot of UFOs in this part of the country and so
one can capture images of them with a high success rate."
Stephen said "there was no rain that hour so water droplets can be ruled out:
I was not near enough the waves to get spray on the lens", so clearly, this sphere
is not caused by a water droplet.
©All images are copyright and the property of Stephen Gamble;
they may not be reproduced under any circumstances without written permission.
Silvery Sphere - accidentally photographed at
approx 17.20 hrs, South Bay, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, UK -
by BEAMS assistant Stephen Gamble.
[Please scroll completely down page for statement and more photos]
Above: Original image
Witness message:
"Hi Ken,
Going through my water sports photos taken yesterday, I found this shot.
In the distance, suspended above the water, you can clearly see a single
silvery or transparent sphere.
In the distance, suspended above the water, you can clearly see a single
silvery or transparent sphere.
Stephen" End
Above: Enlargement of sphere in image
Maximum enlargement of sphere in image - darkened and cropped for ease of study
BEAMS comments:
Stephen has told us here at BEAMS that he didn't see anything strange at the time
he took this photo.
He said "maybe we just have a lot of UFOs in this part of the country and so
one can capture images of them with a high success rate."
Stephen said "there was no rain that hour so water droplets can be ruled out:
I was not near enough the waves to get spray on the lens", so clearly, this sphere
is not caused by a water droplet.
©All images are copyright and the property of Stephen Gamble;
they may not be reproduced under any circumstances without written permission.