Interesting (Unseen At Time) UFO Figure/Form Over East Preston, West Sussex, UK
(Report received by BEAMS 14/03/17) Please scroll down page for testimony, photos etc.
I decided to take some pictures of the moon as it was clear & pretty last night. I took a series of photos and when I downloaded them on to my laptop, I noticed a few strange looking pictures that I cannot account for.
"I was at home last night watching TV & decided to make a coffee... as I went to fill the kettle I noticed how pretty the moon looked out of my kitchen window.
I decided to try to get a couple of nice pictures of it on my Cannon digital camera; it was either a full moon or near enough and it had a beautiful halo around it; I went out on the patio and managed to get a few decent shots or semi-decent anyway! When I downloaded them on to my laptop computer I noticed a couple of rather odd looking ones.
Shot 1 - please click to enlarge
I decided to put some on Facebook... within a couple of seconds I got a phone call from my daughter asking me what the weird, golden glowing sausage-shaped thing was? That's when I really studied this image closely and realized that it was indeed VERY strange; everything else in the picture was in sharp focus, so it seemed unlikely that (whatever this thing was), would not be in focus.

Shot 2 - please click to enlarge
I took these pictures in the dark, and as my garden is quite long I stood next to the back door: I did not see this thing as I took the picture; then myself and my daughter noticed another very odd-looking photo that was taken quite soon after these first ones; it appears to be an apparition of some kind that kind of goes through the rotary washing line in my garden; it appears to have arms and legs!

Shot 3 - please click to enlarge
Below is a brightened version of the 'figure' from shot 3

There is nothing growing just there in the garden, and when you home in on it, this figure appears to be made up of orbs... and it gives me the creeps to be honest!
I have no idea what these things are, and as I say, I did not see them with my eyes in the garden, only on the pictures afterwards.
I have sent this to you because of the glowing, golden object mainly.
I did not see or hear any aeroplanes whilst I was in the garden and I think it was approximately about 8.30 pm in the evening.
Many thanks for taking the time to read this."
Interesting (Unseen At Time) UFO Figure/Form Over East Preston, West Sussex, UK
(Report received by BEAMS 14/03/17) Please scroll down page for testimony, photos etc.
I decided to take some pictures of the moon as it was clear & pretty last night. I took a series of photos and when I downloaded them on to my laptop, I noticed a few strange looking pictures that I cannot account for.
"I was at home last night watching TV & decided to make a coffee... as I went to fill the kettle I noticed how pretty the moon looked out of my kitchen window.
I decided to try to get a couple of nice pictures of it on my Cannon digital camera; it was either a full moon or near enough and it had a beautiful halo around it; I went out on the patio and managed to get a few decent shots or semi-decent anyway! When I downloaded them on to my laptop computer I noticed a couple of rather odd looking ones.

Shot 1 - please click to enlarge
I decided to put some on Facebook... within a couple of seconds I got a phone call from my daughter asking me what the weird, golden glowing sausage-shaped thing was? That's when I really studied this image closely and realized that it was indeed VERY strange; everything else in the picture was in sharp focus, so it seemed unlikely that (whatever this thing was), would not be in focus.

Shot 2 - please click to enlarge
I took these pictures in the dark, and as my garden is quite long I stood next to the back door: I did not see this thing as I took the picture; then myself and my daughter noticed another very odd-looking photo that was taken quite soon after these first ones; it appears to be an apparition of some kind that kind of goes through the rotary washing line in my garden; it appears to have arms and legs!

Shot 3 - please click to enlarge
Below is a brightened version of the 'figure' from shot 3

There is nothing growing just there in the garden, and when you home in on it, this figure appears to be made up of orbs... and it gives me the creeps to be honest!
I have no idea what these things are, and as I say, I did not see them with my eyes in the garden, only on the pictures afterwards.
I have sent this to you because of the glowing, golden object mainly.
I did not see or hear any aeroplanes whilst I was in the garden and I think it was approximately about 8.30 pm in the evening.
Many thanks for taking the time to read this."