Cilan, Abersoch, Gwynedd, (looking north west) Wales, UK
Witness statement:
"Dear Sirs, I was taking some photos of the evening sky in Wales recently, and on looking at them on my laptop just now I noticed what at first I took to be a flock of gulls flying, but then realized they were not (there are some gulls, but higher, darker and smaller than these). I enlarged the picture on the screen, and was astonished to see what look like flying saucers!
I am sure there must be a rational explanation.
There were no rain drops or other marks on my camera screen, or the rest of the photos would have shown the same images.
Any thoughts?
Stourbridge, West Midlands"

1. Original image - marked; click to go through to unmarked, original size 4313 x 2454

2. Blow up of mystery objects
We have analyzed this photograph using a detailed JPEG image decoder and analysis tool. It reports all metadata and can even help identify if an image has been edited; and it would appear that this photo has not been tampered with.
These puzzling forms do not look like birds, planes, lanterns or reflections to us - so what on earth are they?
cannot identify these objects - so, for now at least, they are UFOs.