Glowing Ball of Light...
Flashing White Orange and Violet Pulsating Lights Over Manchester UK
Based on witness statement:
"At 2:30AM I was parked on a side street in Manchester waiting for someone when I told my friend to look up about a mile away: In the sky, a bright yellow light just appeared and started moving south-west.
We followed the object until we lost it over the rooftops.
It was not a plane or anything as I would have recognized it; this object was very unusual, flashing violet/pinks and white light and was gone in about 3 minutes."
Glowing Ball of Light...
Flashing White Orange and Violet Pulsating Lights Over Manchester UK
Based on witness statement:
"At 2:30AM I was parked on a side street in Manchester waiting for someone when I told my friend to look up about a mile away: In the sky, a bright yellow light just appeared and started moving south-west.
We followed the object until we lost it over the rooftops.
It was not a plane or anything as I would have recognized it; this object was very unusual, flashing violet/pinks and white light and was gone in about 3 minutes."