26 04 2016 -
Unidentified Object Seen Again Over Luton, Beds From Barton Hills,
Herts, UK
Above is an enlargement of Image 1 taken by witness - click here for original
Above is an enlargement of Image 2 taken by witness - click here for original

Above is an enlargement of Image 4 taken by witness - click here for original

Above is the original of Image 5 taken by witness; please click on this photo to enlarge: Note how edge of roof is quite sharp and in focus - suggesting that the camera was held steady when these shots were taken - meaning what has been captured isn't a blurred star or planet for instance; and as for the ISS, (International Space Station) - again, the mystery object certainly wasn't that either; at Nasa.gov I learned that in the Luton area for the period of Monday April 25, 2016 through Wednesday May 11, 2016, there are no times when the space station was/is visible to the naked eye.
Recorded times on 2016:04:26 images range between 21:04 - 05:03