Witness Photo 3:
Strange triangular object capture inadvertently photographed 29/09/2015
Location: Portsmouth, Hampshire, UK
'Witness Testimony: "I have no idea what this is:
I was out with my son in the Portsmouth area and he wanted to take pictures of the strange cloud formations; I got my phone out and took 3 photo's, snapped at around 5 seconds from each other.
My son asked what the strange shape was in the photo; him being young I explained it was the clouds; he replied saying it was a triangle, and he was right.
What is this thing? there was nothing in the sky, no planes, kites, nothing; it made no noise.
Did we watch a UFO?'
BEAMS extreme enlargement of object
The witness stated that these photo's were all taken in a matter of seconds.
Witness Photo 2
Witness Photo 1
Source: Facebook