Location of Sighting: Huntingdon
Date of Sighting: 18/08/2012
Time: 1pm
Witness Name: ****** *****
Account based on actual witness statement: I was attending a cat show; I had walked to the river to take photos on my way back to the venue, when I saw a black object above the treetops: As I had my camera, I quickly got a photo before the object disappeared from view: I think it must have been near or above the river, as it was in that general direction.
Above: Original case image; please click to
Many have tried to dismiss this UFO as simply a bin liner, but we disagree; the object shows structure as opposed to some random bin liner/balloon floating in the sky.
Notice on the front of this object, there are two points of light, plus a brighter light beneath; if these are merely the result of reflective sunlight, then why doesn’t that light reflect off the entire right hand side?
Some people are all too quick to dismiss reports.
an inflated bin liner to become airborne to such an altitude would
a strong wind.
The foliage shown in this image is relatively sharp and in focus, suggesting that there was no, or very little wind when the photograph was taken.
For those who are absolutely convinced about the 'bin liner' theory,
we challenge them to launch one themselves and replicate this