This is an update regarding case: Humming object seen over Brighton and Liverpool, UK - 24 10 2015
Message received: 'Had a new sighting, only got a few images and a short video. This time my son was with me he was delighted!
Not as long as last time, was around 2am New Year's Day no noise just moving around and shimmering slightly again in Bootle Liverpool.'
'The video and the photos
were taken outside; we went to look at the one with the squiggle
pattern; all of it happened really fast and I was lucky to catch it.
Only lasted less than a minute and just vanished. Was nothing like the
other ones, much faster no noise and fuzzy looking.' end.
Screen grab from video:
"Mummy - Why is the Moon Flashing?" - "That's not the Moon."
Below is the actual video footage: