Witness statement: "I am not the owner of this JPEG picture. I was visiting a friend in Manchester and we went round to one of he's friends for a coffee. There were a few people there including the dad of my friends friend. Somehow the topic of conversation went onto the subject of our universe and my friend mentioned that I was into UFOs. Immediately, the dad of my friends friend stood up and said "hey, I saw something weird in the sky on the way to work last week whilst crawling in traffic. I had my phone on the dashboard and i picked it up and took one pic of it.
I looked at it for about 20-30 seconds and it just stood there. I have never seen anything like it.
It was not a plane or a hot air balloon or a friggin' helicopter. I don't know what it was but I thought it was weird and took a pic of it. Then the traffic started moving and I forgot about it and concentrated on driving."
That is what he roughly said. I tried interrogating him but he was one of those live for today types who believes in nothing and has hardly any educational background, a working class van driver basically. He just kept going off the subject and didn't want to entertain me on my UFO thoughts; but from his mannerism and the enthusiasm in the way he described the event, it led me to believe he was not lying... and when he showed me the photo, I was gob smacked.
Now, to get the photo, I had to go round his sons house the next day and he pulled it off his dads Facebook page, where he uploaded it to. I say this because the original may be better quality but I cannot be certain, just laying down the facts for your scrutiny: But I'm sure the original I saw on the phone was a lot clearer and detailed, but that also could be because of a smaller phone screen.
Anyways, hope this is a valid UFO, looking at it closely, I believe it is....."

Enlargement of object
Rather than a triangle, when
put through an 'equalize' filter in my image editor, this object in
fact looks quite saucer-like.
Thanks to MUFON for sharing.