15-07-2013: UFO Photographed above A1(M)
in Hertfordshire, UK
This following image of a very odd-shaped unidentified flying object, emerged after it was uploaded to YouTube by a user called ZxrAlienWarrior.
The channel owner regularly photographs and posts so-called 'chemtrails' -- streaks across the sky caused by aircraft and industrial output.
Above: Original case image
It was described as having been taken at "around 10pm [on] Monday, July 15 [on the] A1 motorway, Hertfordshire UK."
This image, (which appeared on a 2 minute, 4 second video presentation), has been carefully examined by passing it through a series of visual filters to detect sign of manipulation - and seems perfectly legit.
Some have speculated that this is
merely a goose or some other large bird in flight; which is all well
and good, yet this is the first bird we've seen with a vertical
Above: Cropped enlargement of object