Above: Original case image with enlargement inset
Silver Disc UFO Seen/Captured by Teacher, Dorchester, Dorset, UK - November 14, 2004
'A large round-edged object which looked like it had two golden wings.'
Full Witness Description & Details:
was looking across a valley and took a picture when later I looked
a the digital photographs I could see a rounded edge object with golden
wings. It looked a bit like a whale."
Personal Background: Teacher
Reported Sighting? Yes
Reported To: My family
Location: Dorchester, Dorset
Age: 45
Sighting Time: 11:09:55
Day/Night: Daytime
Duration: Seconds
No. of Witnesses: 1
Urban or Rural: Rural
No. of Object(s): Single
Color of Object(s): Silver but with golden wings