10-05-2009: Field UFO? -
'Intech' (Now Called The Winchester Science Centre) Near Chilcomb, Just
Outside Winchester, Hants, UK -
A researcher visited this location near to 'Intech', (since renamed as The Winchester Science Centre), on Sunday 10-05-09 to conduct some skywatching, and captured an unusual object flying low over the fields there.
A researcher visited this location near to 'Intech', (since renamed as The Winchester Science Centre), on Sunday 10-05-09 to conduct some skywatching, and captured an unusual object flying low over the fields there.
He said "I was just photographing the landscape at the back
of the 'Intech' site, when I noticed something
moving out of the corner of my eye . At first
I thought it
might have been a bird
perhaps, but
didn't really see this
properly whilst taking
I looked at
images on my camera, and there
it was on the very first image, a
black object, then on the
next shot
it had
He asked BEAMS to examine the 2 images... which we did, and they are shown here completely unaltered.
and other tests, we are left with
no idea as to
what the
In our opinion it is
something real,
for sure... but not a balloon, (as the shadows are not consistent with
those of such an object), neither is it a bird or
a bug

Above: Original case image marked and with enlargement inset: Please click for full size

Above: Next shot - with added zoom; note how there is no sphere in view

Above: Cropped, max enlargement of object
Somebody suggested that this was just a child's helium balloon; but note the shadows (marked in the above max enlargement crop of object) in our opinion these dark patches are NOT consistent with those of a balloon.
Also, remembering that what we are looking at is very far away, a party balloon would be practically invisible from such a distance; this is likely to be something of quite a respectable size.