Real photo with enlargement inset: Please click to enlarge
Firing Beam of Light Captured Over
Knocknarea Mountain in Strandhill, Ireland, UK (2016?)
Statement: "I took this
photo of the moon rising over Knocknarea Mountain but only noticed the
object on inspection of the photo on my computer.
At first I thought maybe camera shake but the photo was taken on a
tripod remotely activated, no blur or anything else."
Above: Greater enlargement of object: Please click image to enlarge further still
Note: See image below: Besides the strange craft, two more objects are visible in the image. UFO or the object is a secret military aircraft?
Please click image to enlarge
Sources and appreciation:
Thanks to our colleagues at MUFON, together with UFO Sightings Hotspot... and of course, our alien 'friends' for making yet another appearance for us.