Above: Original case image
22-10-2008: 'Dome-Topped' UFO Seen Over Uppingham, East Midlands, UK
Witness Bob Hicks, who took this picture, said: "I was walking my dog in the fields near Bisbrooke and saw a very bright light over Uppingham. It was between 6.10 and 6.30pm last Wednesday evening. I took a picture on my mobile but it's not very clear. It hung around for a couple of minutes then disapeared."
Did you see something strange that night? E-mail the Mercury at smeditor@stamfordmercury.co.uk
Updated 3pm: A father and son spotted a UFO hovering above the skies of Uppingham.
Stephen Pepper and eight-year-old Sonny were travelling back to the town from Launde Abbey on Wednesday evening when they saw the object above Uppingham.
The UFO had a large dome shape on top with lights that looked like an erupting volcano. It stayed in the sky for a minute and then disappeared.
Stephen, of The Beeches in Uppingham, said: "I know for sure this was a UFO. If I had been stumbling out of the pub at the end of the night people might not have believed me but this was at 6.15pm when I was driving home from work."
Source: Stamford Mercury