Message | Hi, this info I just have to share! Sitting in my back living room alone watching the television, from my right eye I noticed white light in the sky; I turned to look as I thought it was the police helicopter, which is up a lot here; the lights were there bright white but there was sound! So I took a closer look; I saw 3 bright white lights, not round slight rugby ball-shaped, 2 very slightly above 1 in the middle.
The lights were a faint blue, yet they were so white! As I watched them move slowly away from me, they flew slowly up and away; next, the 3 closed together and then took the shape of a large box-like jellyfish!
Their outline was brilliant white, and as I said, looked very much like a box jellyfish would be drawn; inside the jellyfish shape I could see many oval shapes inside; they were bright but not as bright as the outline, then it looked like with the oval-like lights were a background just like a spiders web with frost on it inside the boundaries of the bright light surround.
The top was wide but rocket-shaped, the inside was a frosted, like a white web with the brighter oval orbs; there was a slight curve near the bottom and further down, the bottom part looked like long squiggly web but with tendril bits; the outside edge was still a bright white colour.
I just cannot explain on paper how this looked, but I couldn't find my phone, so it's all drawn here exactly what they looked liked.
The weather:it was a fair, clear night, not much cloud cover and what I witnessed happened very low; there was no moon and no stars visible.
Once the shape had changed, it seemed to fall slowly behind the rooftop of the house behind mine; it then disappeared from sight; if the moon had been there it wasn't much smaller; the outline was brighter than the moon; the white light seemed to tinge blue as it was so bright.
This all happened in a few minutes at 10.30pm 18/9/2018.
I thought to myself wow did that really happen? but I remember everything!
I was amazed at what I witnessed, but deflated as I was alone, with only my drawing. as testament to what had just happened.
That is my best description... it just looked like a huge box jelly fish in the sky with a bright white surround once the 3 oval lights morphed into that shape.
I will never forget that night that I'm very sure!
Below is a drawing that the witness made of what he saw.
