Above: Best case image 4: Marked and with enlarged insert; click for full size, unmarked original to study
15-10-2018: Good UFO Sighting and Capture Over Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
Sighting: Specifics
Distance: Unknown
Alititude: Over 500 Feet - Under Cloudcover
Duration: 00:38:00
Features: Dome
Flight Path: Hovering Then Path, Path With Directional Change, Path Then Hovering
Shape: Disc
Detailed Description:
In the house when heard a black helicopter circling around.
My Father then told me to come see what it was pursuing and it appeared to be following a black disc UFO that proceeded to slowly travel just under cloud cover then stop for couple mins then went up in elevation then hovered, then continued se/s at a decent rate until stopping again descending & then vanishing. End

Max enlargement detail of above
Shot 1
Shot 2
Shot 3