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Founded in 1991, our society consists of a
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field investigators who
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relating to Earth Mysteries, (e.g.
Ley Lines, Terrestrial Energies and Ancient
Anomalies), Strange Aerial Happenings, (e.g. Unidentified Flying
Objects or
UFOs), and The Paranormal, (e.g. Spirit and Psychic
This report was submitted to BEAMS at 09:39 PM UTC - 01 November 2018
September 2018 Report: Large, Tube-Shape UFO Over Stonehouse, Gloucester, UK
********@btinternet.com |
Stonehouse |
Sept 2018 2.30pm |
Stonehouse, Glos |
Clear day. Very hot advised not to go out unless necessary by weather. Sat at front of home; outside we see across to Forest of Dean in distance; clear view. Looking through binos thought something on lens; black spot.. it came closer; thought a large balloon; watching whatever it was getting bigger and bigger.
It came over railway lines it slowed down over railway line approx 40ft high; it came down a bit lower over park area; I could see it clearly; it moved sideways to miss some trees.
It was something I had never seen before; steel colour; darkish colour.
I was completely riveted; this object had no wings no under carriage and no tail.
It was tube shape, approx 15ft diameter; back end had 4 tubes each corner and middle had a larger tube 4ft diameter; there was something over the front with some rachets hanging loose; the nose came to a square shape.
It just made a swish noise as it slowed to miss trees and went by trees; then it had to go up as hill and woodland; slowly at first and then it shook, faced up back, went red and then white and in seconds was gone.
It looked as though it had gone into something; or someone had tried to stop it with some sort of cover over the front and the rachets hanging.
Length approx 30 to 40 ft.
This took place in around 6 to 7 mins.
I had a really good look; never seen anything like it before.
Never reported anything before.
I took a while to tell anyone; I only mentioned it when there was another local report on a UFO. Reported by me to our local paper Stroud News and Journal. Picture drawn for paper. Read here:
 Above: Witness drawing; please click to enlarge
Still astounded by what I saw.
Does anyone know what it could have been?
Please keep my details and email confidential |