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29-05-2018: Unknown Dark Object High Above RAF Plane Duckmanton, Derbyshire, UK
Witness statement:
I simply took a quick photo of this vintage RAF plane using my Smartphone; I didn't see the dark speck flying high above the plane with my eyes, but only noticed it when I later enlarged the image on my PC.
BEAMS comment: As the object in question is clearly at a considerable height, this maybe larger than one might at first imagine.
In our opinion it is unlikely to be a drone - or even something small like a bird or bug; and, as the viewer can see, when blown up, the unidentified is perfectly oval in shape: Yes it's blurred... UFO's usually are due to problem of range, (phone camera's will often struggle to focus properly on objects at great altitude) and their suspected gaseous/energetic make up.
Our suggestion is that this may be an energy plasma form - the type of thing that is increasingly being seen around commercial airliners these days, with many often being dismissed, (excused away) as drones... as a cover story.