Case photo - click to enlarge/study
29-01-2019: UFO Captured Over Elverum, Hedmark, Norway
[Please scroll down page for much more; only best images used]
Sighted: 2019-01-29 21:18 Reported 8 Days Later
Time Zone: Europe/Berlin
Distance: 501 Feet - 1 Mile, Over 1 Mile
Altitude: Over 500 Feet - Under Cloudcover
Features: Patterned Surface, Other
Flight Path: Hovering Then Path, Path Then Hovering
Shape: Cigar
Was out and took pictures of the moon, several objects with details were included in the pictures.
Another shot from this case - notice trail; click to enlarge/study

Yet another shot - lights on object now determinable; click enlarge

Crop detail enlarged; it is interesting how both objects in this capture have very distinctive shapes; note those distinct ‘notches’ around it’s perimeter on the left.
Further analysis:
*Image A:

*The (apparent) ‘cigar’ image from Image A above, in close-up actually are two parallel forms!

*The Upper image from Image A:

*Lower image from Image A:

*Hidden image within the white glow:

*Image A irregular findings: