BEAMS Investigator Sees Helicopters & Aerial Sphere Nelson, Lancashire, UK
Message in today 03/08-18 from Julie Goring - BEAMS Investigator
Hi Ken and Hilary, thought it was worth reporting that I was woken one night last week at 2am by the loud sound of helicopters. I went to my bedroom to investigate and saw 3 helicopters circling near a white ball of light which was much higher than the helicopters.
The ball of light was stationary then it zoomed to the left in an instant then back to original position then zoomed to right and back again to original position then in an instant, it went straight up and disappeared!
All this happened in a few seconds.
I originally thought they were police helicopters searching for some criminal but then I saw the ball of light and it looked to me like they were keeping close to that.
Wish I'd have had time to reach for a camera.
Best wishes Julie.