Above: Original case screenshot submission, cropped at edges and rotated for clarity
25-09-2018: Interesting Blue UFO Captured on Game Cam Eureka, Montana, U.S.
[Please scroll down page entirely for analysis]
Sighting Basics:
Sighted 25-09-2018 - 18:14
Submitted 19-03-2019 - 17:24
Sighting Location:
City Eureka
Region Montana
Country United States
Sighting Specifics:
Distance Unknown
Altitude Treetop
Duration 00:02:00
Features Window(s)
Flight Path Unknown
Shape Triangle
Detailed Description:
On March 5 we were checking our game camera. after we downloaded all the photos and going through them and deleting ones worth not keeping, we saw a picture with a UFO in it.
Since we hadn’t checked our camera in months, we were shocked to see this object.
We do live right next to a small airport, but this object wasn’t anything like a plane; our observation was only seeing the photo.
Our neighbor mentioned that she had seen a blue object coming out of the clouds; this was about the same time the photo had been taken.
I'm downloading the photo for you to see.
This is a screenshot, but I wanted you to see the time and date stamp on the camera's photo. End.

Above is a filtered, rotated crop of object