[Report received by BEAMS 18/07/2019]
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1st case photo marked - click for full size unmarked original
Witness Statement:
I was in the back garden and I had just set up my Nikon P900 camera on a tripod, when I spotted a passenger plane far off in the distance. I looked through the viewfinder of my camera and began to watch the plane as it flew across the sky. Then to my amazement I spotted an object that seemed to appear out of nowhere.
Image enlarged
The object flew up near the passenger plane and stopped for a moment before it began to move again. I could hardly believe what I was seeing the object was saucer-shaped with a small black dome on top. There was no doubt in my mind it was a flying saucer.
Cropped and enlarged detail
It was extremely fast but, because I had already gone to the trouble of setting up my camera, I was able to take two photographs and capture the flying saucer before it was gone.
Cropped/further enlarged detail
I have seen and photographed so many UFOs in this area I really can't understand what is attracting them to Devon?
Highly enlarged
2nd case photo
Image 2 enlarged
2 enlarged further
2 cropped/enlarged detail
2 cropped/enlarged detail max
The photographs were taken on 1st of July 2019 at Newton Abbot Devon England.
All the best
John. [End]