Crop/maximum enlargement of captured object hiding in cloud
UFO Sighting And Capture By Ex-Military Man Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.
[Reported 11/08/2019 - scroll down for more files]
Distance 501 Feet - 1 Mile
Altitude Over 500 Feet - Under Cloud Cover
Duration 00:02:00
Features Dome
Flight Path Straight Line Path
Shape Disc
Witness Description:
Driving home from work noticed disc-shaped object hover behind clouds where it then vanished; I snapped some photos and looks nothing like I have ever seen before in my time in the military and outside.

File 1 - please click for full size original

File 2

File 3

File 4

File 5
BEAMS Comment: Peekaboo! Actually, this is quite like an Adamski saucer, (not that we buy into any of his jazz), but at the same time, it is also quite like another one of those 'Saturn'-type UFOs; regulars will know what we are referring to here.
All-in-all, a nice daylight catch!