[Report received 16/09/2019]
Witness Testimony:
One day I noticed a small lump on my forehead that was very sore, and when I touched it with my finger I could definitely feel a small pea-sized object under the skin.
Over many days the pea-sized object moved from my forehead to an area right above my ear.
I would show friends and family and let them feel the small lump which they all thought was pretty strange.
Then one day I was having a bowl of soup for dinner when all of a sudden I had a sharp pain in my nasal cavity, and a small object fell out of my nose and landed right in my soup!
I quickly retrieved the object out of my soup and put it to one side for further study before I continued to eat my soup. Once I had finished, I turned my attention back to the small object. I washed it off the under the tap and put it down on the worktop for examination.

Case witness' nasal implant expelled
I got my magnifying glass out of the kitchen drawer and began to study the object.
Under magnification I could see that the object was made up of white structured crystal layers that appeared to be stacked right on top of a pink-coloured layer.
I then decided to take some photographs and while I was in the process of doing so, the object appeared to move slightly and I thought to myself "maybe I imagined that..."
Then the object did it again and I was completely gobsmacked. I then knew I had
something very special; so I picked it up and ran over to the kitchen cupboard where I had a small transparent bag that I immediately put it into and sealed so I would not lose it.
I was fascinated by the object so I took some more pictures of it in the bag before I put it in a tin with an airtight lid.
I then placed the tin on the worktop for safe keeping and further analysis.
At this point my nose had started to bleed profusely, so I ran upstairs to the bathroom to get some toilet paper to hold against my nose to stop the bleeding. There was a lot of blood so I got myself all cleaned up and went back downstairs to give the object another look.
I went back into the kitchen and headed to the tin and opened it. To my anger and surprise the bag was empty!
I couldn't believe it!
I looked on the worktop surface for the object and it was not there, so I got down on my hands and knees and searched the floor for it with no luck.
Where the hell did it go?
It was securely placed within the bag that had been placed within the metal airtight tin, so I can not understand where it went.
All the doors and windows were locked so there was no way anyone could of took it.
I was very perplexed and upset this was the physical evidence that I had been looking for and now it was gone.
I looked everywhere for the object but I never found it. I guess the aliens must of took it back!