Artist impression of incident
Sometime Back in 1999 - My Strange Bright Blue Ball Of Light Bedroom Encounter
[Received 19-09-2019]
At a location in Devon...
It was about 10 o'clock at night and because I was so tired I went upstairs then went straight into the bedroom, fell down onto the bed and instantly fell to sleep. Normally I would pull my bedroom curtains but this time I was so tired that I forgot.
Later on that night I awoke to see a strange bright blue ball of light hovering right in front of my face. I tried to get up off the bed but I could not move... I was very alarmed.
I was completely paralysed and all I could do was look directly at the blue ball of light, and as I did, a bright white beam of light shot out from it and shine directly into my eyes.
I was completely mesmerized by this intense beam of light. As I looked into the light I could see circuit boards and processors; I thought I was going mad!
The beam was really starting to hurt my eyes, so with all my might, I managed to move and lash out at the blue ball of of light with my left arm.
To my surprise it moved back at incredible speed and flew directly through my television set, (the old cathode ray tube type) causing a loud pinging sound as it passed through the glass screen.
The blue ball of light then passed up through the white coaxial cable and went up into the loft, where I guess it must of gone out through the aerial on the roof.
At this point, I was now completely unparalysed, so I immediately jumped up off the bed and switched on the bedroom light.
My eyes were very sore and the bedroom light really hurt my eyes, so I went into the bathroom where the light was a lot dimmer and looked into the mirror on the wall. I could see that my eyes were red and irritated; so I went over to the sink and splashed cold water directly into my eyes.
The cold water helped but it would take hours for my eyes to recover from the intensity of the beam of light. I was still very shaken by what had occurred.
I could hardly believe it, and by now I was in deep shock.
In the morning I looked at the bedroom window and I could see a round mark on it that was not there the previous day, so I was certain that the blue ball of light had first passed through the bedroom window, just like it had passed through the television screen.
I think the reason why it had come through the bedroom window was because I did not pull the curtains that night; and I think that the blue ball of light must have seen me fast asleep on the bed, which might have made me a target of study for this unknown intelligence.
It took me a long time to get over this encounter; for weeks thereafter I would only sleep with the light on when I went to bed... and I would always make sure that I pulled the bedroom curtains before I went to sleep.
I did this for a long time before I totally got over this incident.
Prior to this happening I knew nothing about computers or programming, but after this encounter I was able to build and fix complex computer systems with great ease!
I was also able to program and build websites.
It was like the blue ball of light had imparted knowledge about computers and programming into my mind that I never had before. It was amazing!
I wonder where the blue ball of light had originated from? I guess I will never know.