Artist impression
2002 Jetty Marsh Road - Out of Place Camera Incident
Witness Statement:
I was walking down Jetty Marsh Road when all of a sudden a pigeon flew out of a bush right in front of me and gave me quite a fright. I had to stop to regain my composure. I stood there looking around and that's when I noticed something unusual that I had never seen before.
On the other side of the road there was a large post that was freshly cemented into the ground and mounted on top of this post was a camera which was very out-of-place.
The lens of the camera was very large and seemed totally out of proportion with the body of the unit, which was rectangular with sloped edges; the entire set-up looked so unusual I thought to myself, before I carried on walking down the road.
When I got up to the next roundabout I saw another post with the same type of camera mounted on it. This post was also freshly cemented into the ground. There was a black van parked on the grass verge right next to the camera and the van had a bizarre red symbol painted on the side of it that looked like an Egyptian hieroglyphic.
I had never seen or heard of any company that uses this type of emblem as their company logo. I then noticed a man who was crouched down by a large green electrical box that was open. He appeared to be wiring up the camera that was beside him on the grass verge.
The man was wearing blue overalls which had the same strange red symbol printed on the back of them. At first the man was not aware of my presence, but then I sneezed and he turned his head and looked right at me. He looked very shocked to see me standing there... his hair stood up on end and his face went white. It was like he had seen a ghost or something. He then turned back towards the green electrical box and carried on working. I looked back at the weird camera and I thought to myself "I can't wait to get a closer look at that on the way back home after work" I then carried on walking until I reached work.
On my way back from work I was walking along the same stretch of road expecting to see the second camera that was mounted on a post that I had witnessed earlier that morning, but to my surprise it was not there. I was really perplexed... The camera post had been cemented into the ground and there was no way that it could of been removed from the ground in that amount of time. I walked over to the grass verge and there was no sign of it ever being there nor was there any visible signs of disturbances in the grass. There were no signs of tire tracks which was odd as the black van had been parked there on the grass verge.
I was left scratching my head what the hell was going on here... I walked up the road to see if the other camera was still there and to my surprise it was also gone.
I was left very confused by what I had experienced that morning; did I walk into a parallel universe or something? What on earth was going on! I have experienced so many strange activities along this stretch of Jetty Marsh Road that I really can't understand what is going on in this area.
This incident took place some time back in 2012.