Tesla Coil Proof Of Possible Spirit/Orb Dimensions?
Back in 2003 I had built a Tesla Coil and was trying to capture the streamers with a digital camera.
[The Tesla coil is an inductor which is used in many early radio transmission antennas. It works with a capacitor to resonate current and voltage from a power source across the circuit.]
In this one photo, it looks like the main streamer twists and then strikes something and then changes vector.
[In the paranormal field, a lot of investigators use Tesla coils to ‘charge the environment’. While the Tesla Coil was not invented for this purpose as such, one of the cool things that the Tesla coils do it essentially shoot out lightning bolts of electricity into the atmosphere. It could power a fluorescent light bulb across the room without any wire (which is it’s purpose), but also according to some, possibly attract a spirit. There are different theories in the paranormal field about what a spirit is and what they need to communicate. Most will agree that they need some sort of ‘energy’ to be able to communicate with us. It is thought that in order to do this, that they can manipulate the electromagnetic field around us. It is thought that the electricity for example is almost like battery power for them.]
I was aware of Orbs back then thanks to Art Bell (RIP) and I just thought to myself dust particle my ass.
I never showed anyone other than friends or family.
I remember enhancing the photo but I did not create or add anything. Do with it what you like...thought you might enjoy it.
BTW, I hope I didn't harm a being with 300,00 Volts at about 200kHZ.