Hi, my Name is Brian Davies and I have just enrolled to become a member of the British Earth & Aerial Mysteries Society.
I've been interested in unidentified aerial phenomena for many years: I live in St Helens, but I used to live in Keswick, Cumbria for some 30 years, and in that time I did see something I could not explain over the hills of Grasmere.
Back then I was a Night Manager of the Swan Hotel, Grasmere, and at night after the guests had all gone to bed, I would often make a coffee and sit outside watching the air traffic: I did this on many occasions, so I got to know the routes the planes would be on; however, one night I was sitting having a coffee as per, when I noticed something strange to me that I had not seen before!
All I can say, is that it was not a plane, helicopter or flare of any kind. I would have estimated it to be around 6-700 feet up in the air, which I could gauge due to the surrounding mountains; the mystery object was moving slowly from my left side to the right side... totally silent... most unusual!
This thing just looked like a round orb! orange in colour; it was totally unlike anything I had ever witnessed previously!
It did not bother me! I was just intrigued as to what it might be... but I never did find out!
Now, the upshot from this was for me to become very interested in learning more about the UFO phenomenon in general; so, ever since, I've followed the subject, because I am a firm believer that we are, and have been visited by alien entities, either from different dimensions to ours, or from distant planetary systems - or maybe both!
Humans seem to think we know it all, and that we are the only planet with things in existence; most folk go around blinkered, in a daze, constantly looking at their mobiles... totally oblivious to much of life.
Many couldn't even tell you what we have on THIS planet, never mind any other!
So, to sum up, I am really looking forward to being on this team, investigating matters and keeping an eye on the sky whenever I get the chance; and if by some chance any reports are submitted by other witnesses to the BEAMS HQ from St Helens or the surrounding areas, I would love to go and conduct some interviews, collecting any data that I can and then report back with updates.