I can report possible fleeting proof obtained with this free app!
Warning: Use at your own risk.
This item is not suitable for people of a nervous disposition, or those under 18 years old.
[Please scroll down this page entirely - update at bottom]

BEAMS will try almost anything to gain evidence of the paranormal, often travelling hundreds of miles to special sites, out in all weathers and getting our hands dirty. Along the way, we have adopted various technologies to conduct our investigations; in the past, this has even included a couple of those so-called 'Ghost Boxes'. As some of you may know already - a Ghost Box is a device used to supposedly communicate with the dead. In reality, it's just a converted/tweaked radio. With these you get a mix of static with snippets of speech or music, resulting in a kind of audio pareidolia... and the chances of a recognizable sentence being created from this process are slim.
But that was then and this is now... tech has moved on considerably since those days, and just recently, someone strongly recommended the free Paratek Artificial Speech Generator app, which operates in a totally different way to the old radio channel sweeping method, drawing instead upon AI Speech Technology... and it isn't random selection either!
So we decided to give this one a try.
I've printed the company blurb below to explain everything, but suffice to say when I tried this free app, I got some really interesting results... to begin with.
BEAMS Test 1 - 22/08/018: After asking 'it' a few daft-sounding questions, such as 'what are aliens', the PASG app gave us some apparent answers with the words 'Orb' and 'Investigate'... and also, quite a few of the other generated words, (including actual names of people we once knew, now sadly passed over) also held a strong significance for myself and my partner.
After about an hour though, the 'messages' became increasingly abstract, so we switched our PASG off; but for a while at least, it seemed that this app, (compatible with all devices) was more 'hopeful' than the older spirit box concept; by the way, the PASG actually saves all of the generated words, so that you can review them later on a separate screen.
Maybe, just maybe... what I 'received' was an actual communication from 'beyond'; maybe this device acted as a type of conduit for the 'spirits', (giving them the ability to speak as it were) - maybe the results that I obtained were psychic in nature (or even projected from my own subconscious perhaps?) or MAYBE it was all just an incredible 'coincidence'? either way, what I heard was difficult to simply dismiss - and that is why I am happy to tell you about it; in fact I would like you all to test it out for yourself and let me know what you think. (Read on for the complete results of my 2nd Test, which are further down the page - below The Blurb).
As an experiment, I would like as many readers as possible to download the ParaTek Ai Speech Generator, evaluate it for themselves and send their feedback/report to our email address beamsinvestigations@sky.com in order to see whether my own word results were simply just a fluke - or is there really something paranormal at work here?
Look forward to reading about your own experiences using the PASG app.
Download page here:
It might be a nice idea to also leave a customer review at the ParaTek site as well, after all, these are the guys who created such marvelous applications for us - and for free!
The Blurb:
"Speech generators have been used by paranormal investigators for years, due to their simplicity and ease of use, they quickly came one of the sought after tool's in the paranormal tool kit. AppyDroid take this to a new level and introduce Gen - 2, our Ai system into this app to provide 4 layers of analysis and deciphering before a word is chosen; not a random process like other apps, this uses Ai technology to completely operate the app.
.No radio interference
.No audio banks
.No technical knowledge
.No speech recognition to falsely reply
A simple to use ITC Tool brought to you by AppyDroid; our brand is trusted by real novice and professional Ghost hunter's alike. We consistently strive to bring the best technology available in our apps. We also have the widest range of apps available than any other market source; no copies or replicas, just genuine ideas and theories put into our ITC applications.
Please note: This is not a magical tool that will summon spirits on every use: It merely is a new concept ITC Tool; it is not designed to be 100% accurate, and does not imply that it can communicate with spirits; if you are looking for direct communication, sadly that technology is not available; this is simply a tool to see if you can get meaningful responses at the right time.
We hope to step up the game with using new technologies and ideas, but don't leave bad ratings if you don't understand the ITC Principle behind what this does. Please use it thoroughly before making assumptions or concluding your verdict. The app is in beta; please accept there may be bugs, only customer reports can fix these, so please report any issues when you find them." End.
Why not check out their website for other associated free goodies.
Note: Before I downloaded this, I scanned it first with my Avast Antivirus checker, which reported no problems; the item was virus free upon actual download also.
BEAMS Test 2 - 23/08/2018: I ran the PASG again today from 5pm to 5:15pm and got the following results - shown below with some interpretations (bracketed) to their right.
Without asking any questions, these particular words generated by the PASG during that 15 minute period, stood out the most for me:
'Paralysis' x 2 (and indeed, due to my having suffered a severe and rare allergic reaction from a prescription BP medicine about a year ago, my right arm is now partially paralyzed! Docs are unable to anything to help - so, for me this word is quite fitting)
'Group' (BEAMS?)
'Lie' (deceivers/denialists?)
'Trouble' (there has been/may be more trouble ahead both for our group and myself)
'Mummy' x 2 (had a big falling out with my mum a couple of years go - we haven't spoken since - and our differences are truly irreconcilable; long story - way too personal to fully relate here!)
'Taken' (abduction or photography?)
'Being' x 2 (an alien being perhaps?)
'Leader' (me - the chairman?)
'England' (our title of British Earth and Aerial Mysteries?)
'Monitor' (monitoring of our skies perhaps?)
'Void' (earthbound spirits/sub astral planes?)
'Informed' (keeping the public informed on a regular basis? - which we try to)
'Information' (that's what we want - and usually get!)
'Inner' (astral/spirit/soul body? dimensions?)
'Manifest' (UFOs and Spirit Apparitions?)
'In to'
'Real' (an affirmation that we are on the correct path with our researches?)
'Device' (a reference to the PASG itself?)
'Report' (of course, we deal with reports on a daily basis here at BEAMS)
'October' x 3 (warning?)
'Deceit' (those dreaded deceivers again?)
'Mission' (doing what we do here?)
'Energy' (UFOs, Spirits, Ley Energies?)
'Picture' (reference to a particular UFO and/or Paranormal photo?)
'Vapour' x2 (spirit again?)
'You can't'
End of Test 2
Any objectivity that remained soon fell by the wayside, after being presented with words that were quite unique and personalized to me; naturally though, results are bound to vary from person-to-person.
You may find this method useful, as I have... or you may be left feeling that the whole idea of communicating with the 'dead' merely by employing an app is questionable... ridiculous even; but why not give it a try first before reaching any conclusions?
Testimonial 1 sent to BEAMS 15/01/2019
Dear Beams,
I downloaded the Paratek app onto my Android phone today and went down the city of Sydney, Australia. I visited one of the most haunted places in Sydney.
The Hyde Park Barracks was built by convicts, was a jail, an army barracks, a hospital and a girls home. It is over 200 years old. I sat on a stool outside the building under a tree, where there are two other stools located as an art installation. The building is in good condition and has been renovated and is now a museum.
I turned on the Paratek app and immediately names of ghosts were spoken, some we modern names and some were older. The first name was brianna, then zoe, kitty, dawn and patrick. Patrick me visited a few times, he seemed happy to communicate. Dawn said she was there for a killing, the others for stealing. It was a momentous event, they asked if I was an angel or satan, whether I am religious, did I remember the times. Lots of pertinent words about the uses of the buildings and the people, how many horses were there and what about the noise. It is noisy because of the traffic outside the wall. I asked a few times, how many people were present and there were 10.
I will use this app at known haunted sites and I am sure I will get a positive response.
My flat is also haunted and we have seen apparitions there from time to time. I just switched on the app and found Brian and Peter were there, but I turned it off, because my wife is concerned about those things.
Definitely a useful tool to communicate with ghosts and what they say makes a lot of sense.
Thankyou for giving me the opportunity to comment.
Kind regards,
Andrew Walker [End]
Testimonial 2 sent to BEAMS 01/03/2019
Good morning,
Yesterday I downloaded the app en all was accurate!!
I work as a medium, this is very interesting app for me, 3 years 1 had a near death experience at Elisabeth Hospital so it was very scary I received this (see my screenshot)

Special Thanks from me.
Testimonial 3 sent to BEAMS 03/01/2020
My name has come across it many times also.
Answers to questions I have asked.
Also, it has spoken about things that I keep secret from pretty much everyone in my life.
Testimonial 4 sent to BEAMS 11/04/2020
Hi Ken and Hil,
I've been used the app again and want to send you my result....
About my question about the corona virus
Best regards,

Kenneth John Parsons
(BEAMS Chairman)